Wednesday, October 8, 2008

October 8, 2008

things I apparently don't like? sleep.
but once I start a blog I just cannot stop!
Happy Hump Day everyone! Also thanks to everyone for inviting me to Who knew anyone read this?

N E W S...?
  1. Something I love: The View. I'm not ashamed to admit it, I love watching those middle-aged ladies bicker about the news and their own ignorance. I'm sad that they kicked Rosie off, but Whoopie really is a star. Notice how any time she says anything, all the other women shut up. And I think Joy Behar is funny. Yes, I like Joy Behar. What? I said it! Here is this week's brief heated political clip, which devolves into tears (the best ones usually do). While I think Elizabeth Hasselbeck is a total nimrod, I DO wish they would at least give her a chance to finish her idiotic, crazy points before tearing her apart. They should honor the fact that she is the only dissenting voice. Also dissenting? Sheri Shepard. Less because she has a different point of view and more because she's a total moron. But a funny, sassy moron, which cannot be said of EHasselb. Also here are her views on gay/transgender issues. They are also stupid.
  2. Quotes from SARAH PALIN, courtesy of David Letterman.
  3. Hard to imagine a time before "internet". Well here it is, thanks to CBS News circa 1993. Crazy, no?
  4. A spot-on, witty, facinating, and sexy article by Sachi A. Ezura ('10), proving that great things can come out of even jobs you don't super love (yet!). Stop being so good at things and quit your job and come move back into Quincy!
A R T / D E S I G N
  1. Street Art: PAPER BAG ANIMALS. Testament to the fact that amazing art things can come from extremely modest means.
  2. Another awesome creation based on cheap materials (skip the first 30 secs): POST-IT MONA LISA
  3. I would be so good at this shelving.
  1. ALL THIS TIME, THE SOUP HAD A BLOG AND NO ONE TOLD ME? Think of the countless hours of Joel McHale hilarity I have missed out on. THE SOUP is definitely something I like. In fact, I find it nearly impossible not to like. Sometimes people say they don't like it >>cough, cough CHRISTINA<< style="font-weight: bold;" href="">EUROPEAN BIG BROTHER. I don't know why, but I almost pee myself every time I watch it. I apologize in advance beacause, admittedly, it's not that funny. But it's something I like.
  2. A humorous gem, suggested by arich (even though she never reads this) featuring who could be considered SNL's reigning king and queen of the funny. Love the shoes. Though why does it get so wierd in the second half?
  1. I really love Kanye's new song, LOVE LOCKDOWN. In fact it's my current ringtown (so I can signal to the world how my cred I have. word.). Why is the video so crazy shitaceous? He set the bar so high with his last one, which featured animated teddy bares from the future directed by Takashi Murakami. Though I guess those are hard to surpass.
  2. One of my favorite artists of all time, MARC BROUSSARD, is coming to Paradise in Boston on Tuesday, November 11. And the tickets are under $20. It's like a dream come true. If you don't know him...get on it, people! His first widely released album, CARENCRO, is just amazing. He they released S.O.S. which consists entirely of covers of old soul tunes. Who doesn't love those? And his new album, KEEPS COMING BACK, came out in September and, while not as good as Carencro, is still growing on me (appropriate album title, I suppose).
    My two favorite MARC BROUSSARD songs of all time (if you haven't deduced yet, I like his ballads)
    - GAVIN'S SONG. A song he wrote for his son in case he dies. Holy lord.
    . Ugh I'm sorry I couldn't find a full clip that doesn't have audience members singing. Please download this one.

....please give me more cookie big brother?

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