Thursday, November 20, 2008

November 20, 2008

There are two primary posts of this week that I am highlighting due to their exsquisite awesomeness (at least I think so). I hope you enjoy them. 

T H E   B E S T
  1. So I was lucky enough to have this entry of the 10 best animal clips shared with me. They are all actually really interesting (check out the polar bear and the hippo!), but this one was a clear standout: OCTOPUS CAMOUFLAGE. Blows. My. Mind. How can this possibly be?
    Here is
    LONGER CLIP that that video came from, that is consistently incredible (the cuttlefish! seriously? seriously!). My brother also forwarded THIS ONE to me which features a real-life incredible hulk fish (also wait until the end with the phosphorescent bacteria). NATURE IS CRAZY!
    And while we're on the subject of amazing animals, have you heard about
    Christian the Lion? Lion hugs!!! This was my biggest dream as a child, a lion hug that didnt involve any malling or any permanent scars. Thanks to celmore.
  2. Similarly to the previous post, my interested in this topic started with the following commercial for an upcoming Discovery Channel show which featured a super slow-motion camera (shooting 10,000 frames per second). The balloons, again, blew my mind. Here are more clips for your enjoyment:
    A long one showing
    slow-motion punches, balloon into face, and glass breaking.
    slow-motion water balloon.
    Shooting a water balloon.
    soap bubble popping.
F U N N Y 
  1. Who remembers Debbie Downer? Love it. But the BEST ones were the ones where they totally broke. I watched this at least 4 times and it always makes me incredible happy. Also, tcompton shared this one with me which is still good but has Lindsay Lohan, who no one likes.
  2. The tragic costs of gay marriage
  3. Drew Barrymore leads some Body Fuzion. Kristin Wiig's hips defy the imagination. Also, I want finger pants.
  4. Video Games that Never Happened. "Connect some!"...genius.
  5. I hope my headshot one day looks this good. I want to learn how to rock the "It-might-rain-and-also-don’t-mess-with-my-family look"
A R T / D E S I G N
  1. My blockmate is a style maven. This says
  2. Solar Blinds. They use the light they sit all day blocking to turn into solar energy!
  3. The real photoshop desktop.

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