Thursday, October 2, 2008

October 2, 2008

  1. Anne Hathaway is a star. She is gorgeous, adorable, and has emerged from her Princess Diaries-era singularity into a truly versatile actress. Check out her recent interview with David Letterman, just the epitome of Hollywood grace in a fairly uncomfortable situation. She is apparently stellar in her new movie, Rachel Gets Married (featuring the talents of theater stars Bill Irwin and Anna Diva Deveare Smith...and Annaleigh Ashford in the trailer, look for her in the first 20 seconds) and we should all go see it.
    Also...if you have not yet seen her recent W PHOTO SHOOT, please do yourself a favor and check it. If that's not exquisite, I don't know what is (yes...I used the "e" word...)

A R T / D E S I G N
  1. UNDER-LIT FURNITURE. Very sexy.
  2. What is your COLOR IQ? I got 4. Suck on that one.
  1. I realize Perez Hilton's music choices can be questionable at best, but this is one he shared in late August that I absolutely cannot get sick of: COLORS by APRIL SMITH. Great and interesting voice, nice bouncy beat and use of guitars, and a simple hook that I cannot get out of my head. Think like Duffy meets Joni Mitchell.


Unknown said...

The color lit furniture is cool sometimes, but I just never think green should be used - it's creepy.

Anonymous said...

love the color iq thing. I got a 15. at first I was excited that I did better than you. then I realized that higher scores are worse. tear.