Monday, October 6, 2008

October 6, 2008

this post is long. and poorly organized. and full of awesome things.

  1. Harken back to my first post, which featured the outrageous talents of newcomer JANELLE MONAE. Well, guess who is going to her concert this Sunday? Yes, it's true. So stoked. She's opening for JAMIE LIDELL, who I don't know very well but his music is starting to grow on me. Check out this video for ANOTHER DAY. The song is really great. The video, however, is an interesting mix between quirky/adorable and terrifying. Why do they have masks? Where is that asian girl's mouth? Didn't MJ already do the light-up steps thing? Some questions seriously need answering.
    Hopefully this concert will fill the void ADELE left when she cancelled her concert in September. (Adele's live cover of TO MAKE YOU FEEL MY LOVE = stellar.)
    (also stellar?
    people dancing to Adele.)

  1. Remember last week's post about Anne Hathaway and all of her awesome? Further evidence here from SNL this week (also check out her as Mary Poppins, her Julie Andrews is spot on). Clearly she's not the star of this sketch but just being involved in anything this enjoyable deserves praise. And I give it. You know who doesn't deserve any? Casey Wilson. She may be the least funny person ever to be on SNL. Seriously, get rid of her.
  2. Still can't figure out why I find this sketch of Mark Wahlberg talking to animals so funny. But I have watched it 4 times. And laugh every time. And you will too. SNL is back with a vengeance this season. Hopefully they will find some more funny ladies!
  3. Ever wonder what it looks like when someone gets punched in slow motion? Well, watch to the end. It's worth it.
  4. Swimming. Just love me some swimming. Really, any sports. I love sports. Also this video. Which, no, is not a joke.
R A N D O M:
  1. Things Barry Likes and Wants: A PROJECTOR. Quincy 615 would rock a projector so hard. Why do they have to be so damn expensive??? This is the cheapest one Rachel could find on ebay, and it still seems a bit heavy in the pricetag region. Anyone have suggestions? Or a projector they don't want? Or been agonizing over what to get me for my Birthday several weeks ago? Well there's an idea to ponder over.
  2. Ever really want a peanut butter sandwich, but find the idea of applying the peanut butter much to arduous? Really, never? Well, me either. But apparently there is a market for people who do. Thank god we know have PEANUT BUTTER SLICES. They seem to completely defy logic and gravity and thus must be inventions of the devil.
A R T / D E S I G N:
  1. I'd love to one day be able to work for a design firm that works on creating and implementing brand identity. PENTAGRAM is one of those, and they have a really interesting blog where they discuss the evolution of their projects. This post is about the new Museum of Arts and Design which opened in Columbus Circle this year and I cannot wait to visit. Interesting how much thought goes into logos and company aesthetics which, when successful, become an intergral part of our conception of that entity which we forget to think about. Here's another link about the evolution of some other common logos if you happen to be at all interested in this.
  2. An eco-friendly bag with an attitude.


  1. Want the awesome discoveries of thrift shopping without having to sift through all the crap? Well, A FINE TOOTH has done just that and made best finds easy to find. The prices are incredibly reasonable and the pictures are great. It's mostly menswear but there are a few items for ladies. I've always been wary of buying clothes online but I just might invest in some of their ties.
  2. SHOP IT TO ME. The concept is simple: choose from several hundred brands (ranging from top designers to basic retail) and they will email you in weekly installments (or biweekly, monthly, etc.) letting you know when any item that you specify interest in under the brands you select goes on sale. Check it out, I swear it's less complicated when you sign up. Again, never actually ordered anything from it...but I highly recommend its selection. Also tell me if you are registering b/c if I recommend enough friends I get a free coupon, and lord knows how I loves me some free stuff!
  3. Speaking of discount things join: They boast luxury brands at ridiculous prices. Sadly you have to be invited to join. Anyone happen to be a member already? DON'T SHUT ME OUT, GILT!
  4. MON TSUKI. Loving this collection. Not sure how I feel about the faceless models, however.

1 comment:

Sachi Ezura said...

those peanut butter slices are awesome.

also, mark wahlberg talks to animals is like white brian fellows.