Monday, November 3, 2008

November 3, 2008

I can't believe it's November. Je-sus.
This one is filled with videos to get you through the week.

  1. THE BEST HALLOWEEN SONG EVER. I especially like how he says "b'mitzvah." genius.
  2. Babies make Halloween worth celebrating. It's all about the flamingo. And the bro-dinosaur.
  3. Thriller, a capella. A french dude records all 64 parts himself. So crazy.
A R T  / D E S I G N
  1. Amazing Pop-Up Book. This is how I want to teach my kids about the alphabet. I also love the soundtrack
  2. This Hong Kong bar looks amazing.
  3. Pocket-shaped wallet. Such a simple idea, why did I not think of this? I want one.
O T H E R 
  1. Amy Sedaris on the Chelsea Handler show. How very informative...and terrifying. There's too many layers. But Amy Sedaris is a delight, as always. Word on the street is that she has a new improv-based sitcom under development for FOX. Hooray.
  2. Breaking news! Casey Wilson does something not terrible on SNL! You all know how I love the View. And anyone else who knows the view can attest to how great this sketch from this week is. All the impressions are spot-on. Who knew Jennifer Aniston was even someone you COULD impersonate?
  3. Another gem from SNL last week: RAS TRENT. He's just so funny and for no reason at all. A dee-light.
  4. So during Sunday brunch this week we got into a discussion about how chickens lay eggs,and it ultimately led me to youtube. No need to share that with's rather graphic. But LESS graphic is this amazing video of a dolphin giving birth. You can literally find any animal birthing on youtube, it's amazing!
  5. Rick Sanchez tears apart McCain aide on CNN. It's painful. Seriously. Can we believe the election is tomorrow??? I cannot remember a time before this election. Crazy that it is culminating now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I looked up "hen laying egg". I'm gonna have nightmares.